Life as a Chinadian
Life as a Chinadian (Chinese-Canadian) is hectic. Especially when the people go nuts on you. Anybody who has a different skin colour or comes from a different country and has trouble expressing themselves know what that is like. What is it about people who come from another country that makes them so easy to pick on? And what makes a racist? Are they like this because their parents are xenophobes who taught their art to their children? Or are the racists insecure people who instill fear on others to feel a sense of power they don't fee anywhere else? Are they perhaps sadists who just like making other people feel horrible? Or is it simply because of the language barrier?
That I can easily understand, because at the time when my French was still rather rusty, I used to think that the Quebecois who were chatting and laughing behind me were laughing at me instead (even though it's probably not the case). It's probably the same for the locals too. Sometimes, I used to think of racists as welfare parasites who swear at home, smoke tobbaco and cannabis, eat lots of trans-fats (which is now illegal in Canada), expose their children to tonnes of second-hand smoke, and are highschool drop-outs who became parents at the age of thirteen. The perfect Chinese nightmare.
But really, what makes racists tick?
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