Saturday, January 15, 2005

Happy Birthday to Me!


I'm finally quatorze! So far, so good! it's too bad Miny is on the other side of the island, or I would've invited her over. But who knows what the islamic religion says about fondue, anyways? Anyways, I finally saw FOTR EE... Some of the dialogue is hilarious! Sure, I might be several years behind, but who cares?

Take this, for example:
Frodo: Bilbo, were you at the Gaffer's home brew?
Bilbo: Well, yes, but that's not the point.

"Gandalf, Mordor: is it left or right?"

Sigh... What a birthday! I am a little sad that only one person sent me a birthday card, but that's ok. It's the thought that counts. Now, I sincerely hope that my DVD player would play the bonus features, because if it doesn't I will smash it.


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