Eldest - Inheritance Trilogy
Alrighty, I admit it, I am slow. I have just finished reading the above book. Yes, it took me forever, because I'm a free-loader. I would rather wait a few months so I can get it from the library rather than buy it. Cause, really, even though I'm a fan of this series, I'm not actually gonna read it more than twice... It's WAY too thick to be a casual read book. Sure, I'm a quick reader, but I don't have that much bookshelf space!
Anyways, loved the book. Loved Eragon, thought Arya a bit snobbish, thought Roran and Elva plain creepy, and the entire storyline so much like Star Wars, it's almost scary.
An even scarier thought: what if number three still follows the Star Wars trend? Gosh. Imagine that. Harmless-looking little creatures helping the Varden defeat the evil Empire (who the hell thought up those things? That they are able to defeat the Empire, who are wearing blast armor and carrying huge blasters, is entirely implausible. It ruined PT!!!), while Eragon gives himself up to try to turn Murtagh (I can actually imagine that happening), and we later learn from Oromis that Arya is Eragon's sister!... If that actually happens, I swear I will actually buy one just so I can laugh evilly while I burn it.
... Ahem. No offence meant to Christoper Paolini, but please! Please don't pull a RotJ!
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